Helles Comparison Tasting

Date: March 2nd, 2024, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/h1btbso1ABEVYrjQ6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/4eu25DjwT

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In this event a brief explanation about Munich Helles beer style will be followed by a comparison tasting of 5 examples. Total price including participation is 3000yen. This is a special event as none of the examples are available in Japan – I have brought the samples back myself from Germany. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Lambic Comparison Tasting

Date: January 21st, 2024, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/h1btbso1ABEVYrjQ6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/Xhv7qoUc

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In this event an explanation about lambic production will be followed by tasting 4 kinds of lambic made by Brasserie Cantillon. Total price including participation is 4500yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Esters and Phenols in Beer

Date: December 17th, 2023, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/h1btbso1ABEVYrjQ6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/40fRcau4R

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In this event we are going to discuss fermentation derived ester and phenol compounds present in beer. This will be followed by tasting of 5 different beer samples. Total cost of the event with participation is 3,500yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Straight Lambic Comparison

Date: November 19th, 2023, 2PM-4PM
(Updated on 10/26: This event was previously planned to 10/29)
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/h1btbso1ABEVYrjQ6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/4RZ5w1fyi

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In this special event an explanation about lambic production will be followed by tasting two vintages of straight lambic followed by two lambics fermented with wine grapes. Total price including participation is 5000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Flanders Red and Oud Bruin Comparison Tasting

Date: August 19th , 2023, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/EuZuX6CEjx9UZLGE6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/2KdMyDN2f

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

After a brief explanation about the history and beer specs, in this comparison tasting event we will be first tasting Flanders Red and Oud Bruin, then we will proceed and taste old vintages of the same. Total cost of the event including beer and participation is 4,000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Mussels and Gueuze Lunch

Date: July 30th (Sunday) , 2023, 1PM-3PM
Venue: Lingua World Cafe
Capacity: 10 or more
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/NDN22eTy

Mussels to Gueuze.

Event information in English below the Japanese.

In this fun lunch meet the traditional Belgian pairing of gueuze and mussels will be served. No attendance fee is required, however I will charge 500yen for the gueuze used in cooking. Also I will bring a special bottle of lambic to share with participants.

ブーン グーズ マリアージュ パフェ 2018 375ml 1600円
ポテトフライ (ムール貝に相性が良くおすすめ)540円
Recommended menu is as follows:
Mussels (1 plate recommended for 2 people)- 1830yen
Boon Gueuze Marriage Parfait 2018 375ml – 1600yen
Potato Fries (recommended side for Mussels) – 540yen

お楽しみしております。See you there!

American Food and Craft Beer Pairing Course Meal

Date: July 2nd (Sunday) , 2023, 1PM-3PM (Presentation start 1PM)
Venue: new Silver Lining Osaka location
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/NstHYeT2D3dRgqms5
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/2Fc7glIZa

Course meal images. コース料理の画像です。

English below the event summary in Japanese.



1.         Brouwerij Van Den Bossche (Belgium) – Pater Lieven Wit 4.5%ABV コリアンダーが香る甘さ控えめのドライなエールです。前菜のレタスと角切りトマトのサラダ(Herbs De Provenceビネガードレッシング)と合わせます。

2.         ノムクラフト・ブルーイング(和歌山県) – 4thレボリューション・ペールエール 5.0%ABV トロピカルフルーツのアロマを持つ、軽い苦味と飲み口のアメリカン・ペールエールです。ブルーコーントルティーヤチップスとマイルドなメキシカンサルサクルーダソースと合わせます

3.         ブラッスリーデュポン(ベルギー) – セゾンデュポン 6.5%ABV シトラスとペッパーの香りがする、非常にドライで発泡性のあるエールです。BBQソースとコールスローをトッピングしたプルドポークサンドイッチと合わせます。

4.         ノムクラフト・ブルーイング(和歌山県) – パレオパーク 7.5%ABV トロピカルフルーツのアロマを持つ、苦味が強いDouble IPAです。バッファローマイルドソースで和えたチキンウィングと合わせる

5.         Jackie O’s(アメリカ・オハイオ州) – Dark Apparition 10.5%ABV チョコレートとコーヒーの風味を持つ、しっかりとしたアルコール度数のダークエールです。ラズベリーソースのチュロスとバニラアイスクリームのデザートと一緒にどうぞ。


お二人様コース 9000円税込み(お一人様4750円)。

The American food restaurant Silver Lining Osaka have commissioned me to prepare a course meal for their soft opening at the new location in Kita Horie! While the menu should be available to order before 6PM, I will be doing a presentation from 1PM. I have the pleasure to speak about the thoughts behind creating this menu and how the aromas and flavors of each of the pairings work together. Short explanation printed leaflets will be also will be available for those who miss my presentation.

Below is the planned pairings list. A two-person set will include 5 dishes while a one-person set will have 4 pairs excluding the Chips and Salsa pair.

  1. Brouwerij Van Den Bossche (Belgium) – Pater Lieven Wit 4.5%ABV is a lightly sweet yet dry ale with coriander. Paired with appetizer of lettuce and diced tomato salad dressed with Herbs De Provence vinegar dressing
  2. Nomcraft Brewing (Wakayama, Japan) – 4th Revolution Pale Ale 5.0%ABV is American Pale Ale exhibiting tropical fruit aromas and medium light bitterness – highly drinkable. Paired with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and a mild Mexican Salsa cruda sauce. (This course is not served in the single course set)
  3. Brasserie Dupont – Saidon Dupont 6.5%ABV A classic Belgian Saison style ale with wheat and light white cracker like flavors, highly effervescent, fruity with citrus rind and white pepper like notes. Paired with Pulled Pork sandwich with a BBQ sauce and coleslaw topping. 
  4. Nomcraft Brewing (Wakayama, Japan) – Paleo Park 7.5%ABV a highly bitter and moderately strong ale with a different spin of tropical fruit with a big passion fruit-like bouquet with dank notes. Paired with Chicken Wings tossed in Buffalo mild sauce (can be switched to Extra Hot sauce)
  5. Jackie O’s – Dark Apparition 10.5%ABV is a big dark ale displaying milk and dark chocolate and roasted coffe with a big wallop of sweetness and alcohol held back lightly by hop bitterness. Paired with Dessert Churros with raspberry sauce and Vanilla Ice-Cream side

One-person course set – 7000 Yen tax included.
Four dishes and four full bottles/cans of beer.

Two-person course set – 9000 Yen tax included (4,750 Yen a person).
Five bottles/cans split between two people paired with a five-course meal.

Lambic Vertical Tasting

Date: May 20th , 2023, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/EuZuX6CEjx9UZLGE6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/U3wNVwLI

Gueuze samples. グーズサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

An explanation about lambic and gueuze production, the organisms responsible for the wonderful flavors and aromas and how the flavor profile changes with age is going to be followed by a vertical tasting of three vintages of De Cam gueuze finishing with a young Cantillon vintage for reference. Total cost of the event including beer and participation is 4,000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the Gueuze sample list:

Gueuze samples.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Beer and Cheese Pairing

Date: April 22nd , 2023, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/EuZuX6CEjx9UZLGE6
Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/GgEoIMZY

Five pairs of beer and cheese. ビールとチーズ5種類のペアです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.



  1. Westmalle Extra & Italian Buffalo Mozarella
  2. Karmeliten Dunkel & Comte 18 months old Semi-Hard Alpine cheese
  3. Rodenbach Charactre Rouge & Roccolo Valategio Washed Rind
  4. North Coast – Old Rasputin Imperial Stout & Mimolette 22 month old hard cheese
  5. Lost Abbey King Of Tyre & Stilton blue cheese


  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In this fun beer and cheese pairing event we will taste five different pairs to experience different combinations of flavor. We will be taking tasting notes and discussing how the flavors work together for each of the pairings. This is designed to be a six people event. For each pair an attendee should have about 100ml of beer and 25gr of cheese. Total cost of the event including beer, cheese and participation is 5,000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the list of pairings for this event:

  1. Westmalle Extra & Italian Buffalo Mozarella
  2. Karmeliten Dunkel & Comte 18 months old Semi-Hard Alpine cheese
  3. Rodenbach Charactre Rouge & Roccolo Valategio Washed Rind
  4. North Coast – Old Rasputin Imperial Stout & Mimolette 22 month old hard cheese
  5. Lost Abbey King Of Tyre & Stilton blue cheese

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Pale Lagers and Hops Seminar

Date: March 18th , 2023, 8PM-10PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Address: https://goo.gl/maps/EuZuX6CEjx9UZLGE6
Event Capacity: 10 people
FB RSVP: https://fb.me/e/2J7kNPG0p

Sample line-up. サンプルライナップです。


サンプルリストと仕様です。Sample list with specifications.


  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

Event information in English:
In this seminar we will be rubbing five kinds of hops and tasting four kinds of beer. After rubbing the hops we will try to find the hop aromas and flavors in the beer samples. Total cost of the event including hops, beers and participation is 3,000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.