デュポン – モアネット・バイオロジーク (2018)7.5%ABV📸


Cicerone Study Activity Session #4 with a Light Dinner

Date: March 16th , 2020, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Venue: Craft Cafe Imazato

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 13a: Wee Heavy Style Contrast Tasting
Activity 13b: Scottish Ale Grist
Activity 14a: Strong Ale Comparison Tasting
Activity 14b: Barleywine Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

出席連絡リンク: https://www.facebook.com/events/635970283643706/

Currently, the activity is limited to 5 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. The participation cost is as follows: beer sample cost of 8000yen (tentative) and 2000yen for food/beer credit. Monday menu has 3 types of Imazato’s critically acclaimed hamburger. The sample will be split between the attendees. Example: for 4 attendees sample cost is 2000 yen and 2000 yen for food/drink will sum up to 4000 yen, for 5 attendees the cost will be 3,600 and so forth.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 13a: Wee Heavy Style Contrast Tasting
Activity 13b: Scottish Ale Grist
Activity 14a: Strong Ale Comparison Tasting
Activity 14b: Barleywine Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way. https://www.cicerone.org/us-en/products/road-to-cicerone-british-irish-course

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3512834432124028/

See you there!

Uchu Brewing – Shooting Star IPA(#135) 7.5% ABV🍈


Cicerone Study Activity Session #3 with a Light Dinner

Date: March 2nd , 2020, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Venue: Craft Cafe Imazato

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 10a: Brown Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 11a: IPA Comparison Tasting (ブライトテイスティング)
Activity 12a: Pale Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

出席連絡リンク: https://www.facebook.com/events/3512834432124028/

Currently, the activity is limited to 4 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. The participation cost is as follows: beer sample cost of 5000yen (tentative) and 2000yen for a one Imazato’s critically acclaimed hamburger and 1 pint of kegged beer. The sample will be split between the attendees. Example: for 3 attendees sample cost is 1700 yen and 2000 yen for food/drink will sum up to 3700 yen, for 4 attendees the cost will be 3,300 and so forth.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 10a: Brown Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 11a: IPA Comparison Tasting (blind tasting)
Activity 12b: Pale Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way. https://www.cicerone.org/us-en/products/road-to-cicerone-british-irish-course

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3512834432124028/

See you there!

Superstition – Blueberry Hex 14%ABV 🍷


Cicerone Study Activity Session #2

Date: February 20th , 2020, 8:00PM-10:00PM
Venue: Lingua World Cafe

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor
Activity 8a: Porter Cocktail Tasting
Activity 8b: Porter Comparison Tasting
Activity 9a: Stout Comparison Tasting
Activity 9b: Irish Stout vs. American Porter
Activity 9c: Imperial Stout vs. Baltic Porter

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため文房具を持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

出席連絡リンク: https://www.facebook.com/events/2974876455896358/

Currently, the activity is limited to 4 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. Beer sample cost of 8000yen (tentative) will be split between the attendees. If there are changes I will let you know. Since Lingua have kindly allowed us to use their space, after the event, please order food and drinks to support them.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor
Activity 8a: Porter Cocktail Tasting
Activity 8b: Porter Comparison Tasting
Activity 9a: Stout Comparison Tasting
Activity 9b: Irish Stout vs. American Porter
Activity 9c: Imperial Stout vs. Baltic Porter

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way. https://www.cicerone.org/us-en/products/road-to-cicerone-british-irish-course

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2974876455896358/

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #1

Date: February 6th , 2020, 8:30PM-10:30PM
Venue: Lingua World Cafe

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 1c: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 2a: Malt vs. Adjunct
Activity 3a: English vs. American Hop Flavors and Aromas
Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors
Activity 4b: Diacetyl Comparison
Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor


Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course



  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため文房具を持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

出席連絡リンク: https://www.facebook.com/events/175767110154157/

Due to limited amount of beer samples the event is limited to 4 people including myself.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 1c: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 2a: Malt vs. Adjunct
Activity 3a: English vs. American Hop Flavors and Aromas
Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors
Activity 4b: Diacetyl Comparison
Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor

Since Lingua have kindly allowed us to use their space, after the event, please order food and drinks to support them.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way. https://www.cicerone.org/us-en/products/road-to-cicerone-british-irish-course

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/175767110154157/

See you there!

Burnt Mill – The Weight of Gold 11%ABV🍫


The Kiev and the Stouts

The day before my Birthday, the friend casually texted me saying he might have a surprise “if it comes out right”, and asked if I will be home around dinner time the following day. His inquiry seemed rather ambiguous, so I dismissed it as a common courtesy. I was quite surprised when he, his wife and daughter appeared at my doorstep with a cake box. After a short visit and many thanks on my part they left and I had the Kiev – a Soviet classic hazelnut flavored cake with an offensive amount of butter, sugar and a rich nutty chewy filling all to myself. Finding such a cake under a glass of a Japanese pâtisserie is impossible. As a consequence, my friend’s wife, an experienced home baker, made one from scratch!

This Kiev cake followed a traditional Soviet recipe. The egg yokes for one of the frostings are conditioned over night. Crushed whole hazelnuts and hazelnut baking flour is used. It’s small but fierce and physically very heavy – because its mostly sugar, butter and nuts.

Being a beer connoisseur, I immediately started thinking about beers that could work well with the cake flavors and took upon myself the mission to do as many beer and cake pairings as I can. Here are my tasting notes:

Mikkeller Baghaven – I Found My Thrill 7.4% ABV

I Found My Thrill is a Danish wild ale aged for 30 months in French Oak Foeders on locally grown Blueberries. This deep burgundy colored, refreshing and highly effervescent light-bodied ale with plain yogurt sourness, delicate blueberry and oak flavors has a whiff of a rustic Danish barn to it. Buttery sweetness of the Kiev is contrasted by a tangy blueberry yogurt and lightly puckering oak tannins. The carbonation lifts the buttery fats from the palate making you ready for more cake.

Paulaner Brauerei – Paulaner Salvator 7.9% ABV

Salvator pours mahogany with a lightly tan head. Rich biscuit, caramel and toffee aromas with some floral notes on the nose. Similar malt forward nutty and biscuit flavors are barely balanced by high and clean floral bitterness. The body is medium and smooth. The finish is brief with biscuit like malts and clean bitterness. The Kiev is showcasing the Salvator’s bitterness and slightly overpowers the beers flavors. The hazelnuts somewhat complement beer’s nutty and biscuit flavors, while the bitterness is contrasted by cake’s sugar and carbonation is scrubs the palate.

Different kinds of nut flavors in the beer worked well with Kiev’s hazelnut and intense dark roasted coffee flavors of big and high ABV beers wonderfully demonstrated the cutting power of the bitter coffee with sweet desserts.

Miyazaki Hideji Beer – Kuri Kuro (Dark Chestnut Ale) 9% ABV

Kuri Kuro pours an opaque very dark brown with a fluffy tan head and has a cocoa nibs, nuttiness and sweet caramel bouquet with butterscotch notes. The dark chocolate, coffee, chestnut, caramel and toffee malt flavors are dominating. There is a light stale note, but its not unappealing. The body is medium to full and oily. When I had the ale fresh, there was an alcohol-like roughness in the finish, but after cellaring it for a year, the roughness has mellowed out – aging it was a good decision. Similar yet different chestnut and hazelnut flavors work well together. The lightly sweet beer accentuates the buttery hazelnut like sweetness, while the cake makes the coffee like and cola nut like beer nuttiness stand out. Light to medium carbonation is cleansing the palate of the slick butter leaving a long and lightly warming hazelnut buzz. A great pair!

Heretic Brewing – Shallow Grave Porter 7% ABV

The Shalow Grave pours a dark brown with mahogany tint and a fluffy tan head. It has aromas of nuttiness, cola and French roast espresso. Burnt toast, caramel, butterscotch and nutty flavors play on the palate. Smooth, chewy and silky medium to full body makes it quite drinkable. The Porter has a brief finish of dry roasted coffee, caramel and nuts. The French roast espresso contrasts with Kiev’s buttery hazelnut sweetness. The low carbonation and the sturdy body of the beer makes the pairing very satisfying – you can’t stop the teaspoon of cake followed by a sip of beer repetition.

Mikkeller – Beer Geek Cocoa Shake 12.1% ABV

The Cocoa Shake pours an opaque very dark brown with a dark tan head. It has a rich Swiss milk chocolate bar and vanilla ice-cream like aroma with notes of soy-sauce. The flavors are similar with the addition of vanilla, caramel and toffee. The body is silky and full and the carbonation is low to none. The finish is very long warm and drying, full of dark chocolate and roasted coffee. Intensity-wise, both the Kiev and the Shake are similar. The cake’s hazelnut buttery sweetness is contrasted by a dark chocolate, cocoa powder and roasted coffee. Beer’s vanilla complements the buttery Kiev sweetness and the high ABV cuts the cake butter. Both the cake and the beer are desserts which could be had on their own. Having both together is an intense experience and is quite a treat.

Belching Beaver – Peanut Butter Milk Stout 5.3% ABV

Dark brown with a fleeting tan head, this milk stout has aromas of cocoa, chocolate, cola and Resee’s cups. Ritch cocoa, dark chocolate, Resee’s and nutty roasted malts dominate the palate. Silky smooth and slick medium to full body has normal carbonation and a cappuccino-like dry roasted coffee finish. Hazelnut and peanut flavors work well together and if you have the cake first, there is a smooth transition from former to latter. Bitter roasted coffee and dark chocolate contrast the buttery cake sweetness and the palate is refreshed by carbonation. A great pair.

Stone Brewing – Espresso Totalitarian 10.6% ABV

The Espresso Totalitarian has a very fluffy dark tan head and pours an opaque black. It has aromas of nuttiness, caramel syrup, cappuccino foam, clean noble hop floral spiciness with a charred campfire-like note. The nutty, chocolate, cola like malts transition to a medium roast espresso flavor. Body is full and carbonation is normal. The bitterness is assertive. Warming and drying, French roast espresso bitterness with soy sauce like notes persists in the finish. Kiev’s buttery sweetness is cut by Totalitarian’s extreme bitterness which is coming from roasted coffee and hops combined. This is a great example why bitter coffee works well with sweet desserts – the cutting, or the extreme contrast of flavors, is very exhilarating and pleasurable.

Crooked Stave – Coffee Baltic Porter 8% ABV

A drinkable, full bodied, smooth and lightly oily Baltic Porter pours a very dark brown with a tan head. It has aromas of nuttiness, cola, dark chocolate and espresso. Both dark and milk chocolate flavors are followed by a dry and warming chocolate and espresso finish with a campfire like note. Intensity-wise the cake and the porter are quite similar. Buttery and sweet hazelnut is complemented by the dark bitter dark chocolate and roasted coffee of the beer and a unique mocha-like flavor is created. Excellent.

Smog City – Coffee Porter 6% ABV

Aromas of dark chocolate, French roast coffee, caramel with charred charcoal-like notes, bitter espresso, cacao powder and dark chocolate-like flavors, smooth and silky smooth body make this very dark brown with tints of ruby porter yet another good pairing. Carbonation is low to medium and bitterness is medium to high to which the roasted malts contribute. Finish is brisk with cappuccino and dark chocolate and has a very dry and roasty note. The cake accentuates the roasted acidic bitter espresso and brings forth Porter’s caramel and toffee like notes. The contrast between the buttery sweet hazelnut and the bitter coffee is quite enjoyable. Interestingly, when the cake is gone, the beer by itself becomes quite bitter, so, you need to time your eating and drinking to finish at the same time.

Fremont Brewing – Dark Star 8% ABV

Dark Star has a very creamy cappuccino and milk chocolate bouquet with a light roasty notes. A rich coffee-like malts and oatmeal flavors of this very dark brown Imperial Stout are balanced by a high to assertive clean bitterness. Its body is medium to full and silky with oats. Coffee flavors in the finish are brief, however a warming and dry roasted note remains. Cappuccino and oatmeal make hazelnut to take the spotlight and linger on the palate. The bitter and drying coffee is contrasted by the cake’s sweetness. Its flavors pass gently into hazelnut, which makes the beer’s caramel-like notes shine trough. Similarly to Smog City’s Coffee Porter, when the cake is gone, the roasty note in the finish becomes assertive.


The most memorable pairings were Kuri Kuro, Peanut Butter Milk Stout, Beer Geek Cocoa Shake and Espresso Totalitarian. Different kinds of nut flavors in the beer worked well with Kiev’s hazelnut and intense dark roasted coffee flavors of big and high ABV beers wonderfully demonstrated the cutting power of the bitter coffee with sweet desserts. The least favorable pairings were I Found My Thrill and Salvator. Although there was a contrast between the dry and tart blueberry yogurt of the Danish ale and the sweet buttery hazelnut, intensity-wise it was a mismatch. A lightly flavored shortcake with fresh berries could have been more fitting. Doppelbock’s mildly sweet biscuit and caramel flavors were overpowered by Kiev’s richness. The lager contrasted the cake with hop bitterness and scrubbed the buttery palate with carbonation, but nothing more. If anything could be learned from this experiment is that beer and cake can create wonderful pairings and at least, the staple pairing of vanilla ice-cream and stout, separately or as a ice-cream float in the beer, should be tried by everyone.

Beer Off-Flavor Seminar 2

Date: September 7th, 2019
Venue: Craft Cafe Imazato, Osaka, Japan

English below the event summary in Japanese.

セミナーとして英語で動画(スライド付き音声)をノートパソコンで流し、試薬入りのオフフレーバービールを7種類試飲します。ほぼ英語で動画音声を流したり、試飲したり、感想を聞いたりしますが、英語の説明より試飲サンプルがどんな味だったかの記憶の方が大事なので、コツや試飲の仕方に関しては日本語で説明します。試飲は約60分~90分を予定しており、そのあとはランチをいただきます。参加料金は4500円で、その内の2000円をカフェ今里のランチ代 (カツサンドとビール)として頂きます。ランチなしでも2000円の返金は不可、又2000円以上の注文をする場合は追加料金が必要です。


※今里クラフト カフェ様には特別にこのイベント用に場所を提供頂いております。

Spiked off-flavor beer samples from the previous event. 前回イベントの 試薬入りのオフフレーバービールサンプル


  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため文房具を持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

出席連絡リンク: https://www.facebook.com/events/459250791583843/

The seminar will include guided tasting of 7 beer samples spiked with off-flavor food grade chemicals. Off-Flavor list:

  1. Acetic
  2. Chlorophenol
  3. H2S
  4. Isovaleric
  5. Lactic
  6. Mercaptan
  7. Metallic

The tasting will take 60 to 90 minutes. I will play the webinar on my laptop. It’s narrated by Bill Simpson, Cara Technology Limited. I will teach you the tasting caveats, guide you and answer questions. I have off flavor spikes to serve 12 people – about 1 fl. oz a sample. You will be given a color printed handout explaining each off-flavor. Then we will have lunch. The participation cost is 4500yen, of which 2000yen is Imazato’s Tonkatsu sandwich/drinks credit. If you spend over 2000yen, you will have to pay extra. Please note, if you don’t order pizza/drinks – this credit can’t be returned. There might be a change in the menu from Tonkatsu sandwiches to Hamburgers or Pizza. If there will be a change I will notify you. Cafe Imazato kindly agreed to use the venue as an event place and they’re opening up on Saturday morning just for us.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/459250791583843/

See you there!